EAGLE FORUM ALASKA TEMPLATE Eagle Forum Alaska: EFA Legislative Alert, May 25, 2006

Friday, May 26, 2006

EFA Legislative Alert, May 25, 2006

Dear Eagles and Friends:

Three items tonight. 1) Constitutional Marriage protection in Alaska 2) Governor Murkowski’s plans and 3) Federal Marriage Protection Act (MPA). All three items are linked to one another.

1) Thank you to everyone who has contacted Governor Murkowski’s office to urge him to call a special session of the legislature so that we can put a constitutional amendment on this November’s ballot. I was told by the governor’s office that they have received a number of calls and many of you have contacted me and let me know you called. I want to update you on what I have been told by the Governor’s office. I have spoken to three different staffers in the Governor’s office. The young lady who apparently has been assigned to field calls on this subject was quite ill informed on what has transpired already and what will happen next. I explained the history and current state of affairs to her and much of what I told her was big news to her. I am hopeful that everyone else in the Governor’s office was better informed. As an example, this young lady told me the Governor has it under control and had already planned to pass a constitutional amendment if the legislature failed to pass their bill (SJR20/HJR32). However, he has no intention of calling a special session. Well, if that is the case, he cannot pass a constitutional amendment because it takes the legislature and the people to do that. No special session – no constitutional amendment this year. Of course, the constitution provides one other avenue, a constitutional convention. That is out of the question, it would be harder yet to get that approved. This young lady informed me the Governor won’t be calling a special session because there were not enough votes to get the measure on the ballot in the regular session. Well, yes and no. Yes, there were not enough votes to pass HJR32/SJR20 in the regular session. Both houses came up a couple of votes shy. That is why a special session is needed. That is why Governor’s ALWAYS call special sessions, because they did not get what they wanted during the regular session! The legislature failed to pass an oil production tax in the regular session so the Governor called a special session. Calling a special session would highlight the Governor’s support for a constitutional marriage amendment that would protect any further intrusions into the institution of marriage by homosexual activists and their friends on the Alaska Supreme Court.

Lest you think I am beating a dead horse to death I want to tell you that if the Governor fails to call the special session then fine. That decision is his and the responsibility for doing so or failing to do so is his. BUT, if we had failed to ASK him to do so, the responsibility would be ours! We have done the right thing by calling this important issue to his attention and asking for action on his part. We have done our part and can rest easy at night knowing we were faithful to do what we could.

That leads me to number 2 on the list. I received notice today that the Governor will be announcing his decision to run or not to run at 7:30 am tomorrow morning in Fairbanks. By the time you read this we should all know the answer to the Big question.

Now, number three. The U.S. Senate will vote on the federal Marriage Protection Act (MPA) on June 5th and the House of Representatives is scheduled to vote around July 4th. Please call our congressional delegation and ask them to vote YES on the Marriage Protection Act. This is vitally important. It is very easy to call these public servants and let them know you are a citizen of Alaska and you support the MPA.

Senator Ted Stevens (202) 224-3004
Senator Lisa Murkowski (202) 224-6665


Representative Don Young (202) 225-5765

Thank you for all you do.

Working for the family,

Debbie Joslin
President, Eagle Forum Alaska

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