EAGLE FORUM ALASKA TEMPLATE Eagle Forum Alaska: Last Chance for Pro-Life Legislation

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Last Chance for Pro-Life Legislation

Last Chance for Pro-Life Legislation
Urge your Representative to vote YES on the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act!
Your help is needed in pushing through an important piece of pro-life legislation expected to be considered in the House next week during the final days of the Congressional session! Sponsored by Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ), the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act, H.R. 6099, would require abortion providers to notify women who want to have an abortion 20 weeks after fertilization that their unborn child feels pain and that they may request anesthesia for their unborn child in order to reduce or eliminate that pain.
Currently co-sponsored by 93 Members, this bill was previously introduced in both the 108th and 109th Congress in light of compelling testimony offered during the Partial Birth Abortion trials. Witnesses testified that unborn children past 20 weeks from fertilization feel excruciating pain during the course of an abortion. Passage of this bill is crucial because women have the right to know the facts about the medical development of their unborn children and that the option to minimize the child's pain exists!
Congress has an interest in decreasing the pain of aborted human babies, as it even requires, by law, for pain to be minimized when livestock are slaughtered! A majority of the American people favor such common sense legislation, as a 2004 Zogby poll found that 77% of the public favors "laws requiring that women who are 20 weeks or more along in their pregnancy be given information about fetal pain."
Since this bill is likely to be considered under the "Suspension Calendar," a two-thirds majority is required for passage. Consideration of this bill is an opportunity to draw attention to the pain felt by those most vulnerable — the unborn! We need your help! Please call your Congressman today!

Take Action
Call your Representative and urge them to vote YES on the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act!

Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121


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