EFA Legislative Alert, Nov 12, 2006
Dear Eagles and Friends:
Governor Murkowski has called the legislature into special session starting Monday, November 13 to address the demand by the Alaska Supreme Court that the state implement regulations to allow spousal benefits to homosexual state employees and retirees. The court has completely ignored the 1998 marriage amendment to the constitution and declared that homosexuals are being discriminated against because we do not allow them to marry and they cannot receive spousal benefits without marrying.
The court has overstepped their authority and is attempting to write legislation to implement their wrongheaded decision. The Murkowski administration has not stood up to the court and has called the legislature to Juneau to rubber stamp the “bill” written by the court. Enough is enough!!
We must contact our legislators and let them know what we want:
Please vote NO to granting marriage benefits to homosexual couples. Please stand up to the court and Governor Murkowski and do not vote to undermine our constitutional protection of marriage.
Please call YOUR legislators and any others you have a good relationship with. Be sure to identify yourself as a constituent to your legislator. The contact information is below. Time is critical, please call ASAP.
Working for the family,
Debbie Joslin
President, Eagle Forum Alaska
To subscribe/unsubscribe to this alert, email joslin@wildak.net
Representative_Tom_Anderson@legis.state.ak.us 800 465 4939
Representative_Ethan_Berkowitz@legis.state.ak.us 8884654919
Senator_Con_Bunde@legis.state.ak.us 800 892 4843
Representative_Mike_Chenault@legis.state.ak.us 800 469 3779
Representative_Sharon_Cissna@legis.state.ak.us 800 922 3875
Representative_John_Coghill@legis.state.ak.us 877 465 3719
Senator_John_Cowdery@legis.state.ak.us 888 269 3879
Representative_Harry_Crawford@legis.state.ak.us 888 478 3438
Representative_Eric_Croft@legis.state.ak.us 800 689 4998
Representative_Nancy_Dahlstrom@legis.state.ak.us 877 460 3783
Senator_Bettye_Davis@legis.state.ak.us 800 770 3822
Senator_Fred_Dyson@legis.state.ak.us 800 342 2199
Representative_Jim_Elkins@legis.state.ak.us 800 303 2455
Senator_Johnny_Ellis@legis.state.ak.us 888 330 3704
Senator_Kim_Elton@legis.state.ak.us 907 465 4947
Representative_Richard_Foster@legis.state.ak.us 800 478 3789
Senator_Hollis_French@legis.state.ak.us 866 465 3892
Representative_Les_Gara@legis.state.ak.us 888 465 2647
Representative_Berta_Gardner@legis.state.ak.us 800 331 4930
Representative_Carl_Gatto@legis.state.ak.us 800 565 3743
Senator_Lyda_Green@legis.state.ak.us 877 465 6601
Representative_Max_Gruenberg@legis.state.ak.us 866 465 4940
Senator_Gretchen_Guess@legis.state.ak.us 800 550 2435
Representative_David_Guttenberg@legis.state.ak.us 800 928 4457
Representative_John_Harris@legis.state.ak.us 888 465 4859
Representative_Mike_Hawker@legis.state.ak.us 800 478 4950
Senator_Lyman_Hoffman@legis.state.ak.us 866 465 4453
Representative_Jim_Holm@legis.state.ak.us 866 465 3466
Senator_Charlie_Huggins@legis.state.ak.us 800 862 3878
Representative_Reggie_Joule@legis.state.ak.us 800 782 4833
Representative_Mary_Kapsner@legis.state.ak.us 800 323 4942
Representative_Mike_Kelly@legis.state.ak.us 866 465 4976
Representative_Beth_Kerttula@legis.state.ak.us 907 465 4766
Representative_Vic_Kohring@legis.state.ak.us 800 468 2186 (district only)
Senator_Albert_Kookesh@legis.state.ak.us 888 288 3473
Representative_Pete_Kott@legis.state.ak.us 800 861 5688
Representative_Gabrielle_Ledoux@legis.state.ak.us 800 865 2487
Representative_Bob_Lynn@legis.state.ak.us 800 870 4931
Representative_Lesil_Mcguire@legis.state.ak.us 800 365 2995
Representative_Kevin_Meyer@legis.state.ak.us 866 465 4945
Representative_Carl_Moses@legis.state.ak.us 800 898 4451
Representative_Mark_Neuman@legis.state.ak.us 800 505 2678
Senator_Donny_Olson@legis.state.ak.us 800 597 3707
Representative_Kurt_Olson@legis.state.ak.us 800 463 2693
Representative_Jay_Ramras@legis.state.ak.us 877 465 3004
Representative_Norman_Rokeberg@legis.state.ak.us 800 773 4968 (district only)
Representative_Woodie_Salmon@legis.state.ak.us 800 491 4527
Representative_Ralph_Samuels@legis.state.ak.us 866 465 2095
Representative_Paul_Seaton@legis.state.ak.us 800 665 2689
Senator_Ralph_Seekins@legis.state.ak.us 800 336 7383
Senator_Bert_Stedman@legis.state.ak.us 877 463 3873
Senator_Ben_Stevens@legis.state.ak.us 866 465 4993
Senator_Gary_Stevens@legis.state.ak.us 800 821 4925
Representative_Bill_Stoltze@legis.state.ak.us 866 465 4958
Senator_Gene_Therriault@legis.state.ak.us 800 860 4797
Representative_Bill_Thomas@legis.state.ak.us 888 461 3732
Senator_Thomas_Wagoner@legis.state.ak.us 800 964 5733
Representative_Bruce_Weyhrauch@legis.state.ak.us 800 968 6744
Senator_Gary_Wilken@legis.state.ak.us 907 465 3709
Representative_Peggy_Wilson@legis.state.ak.us 800 686 3824
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