Abortion Kills Women Too
The big story this week is the sad report of the young woman in the U.K. who committed suicide after aborting her 8 week old unborn twin babies. I saw the story on LifeNews and have had four or five other people send me a copy. This young woman's death has proved the painful point I made recently in my January 22 speech; many women are having abortions because someone else wants them to. If you are a woman who is pregnant, do what you really WANT to do. Have your baby. If there are people in your life who pressure you to abort, don't listen to them. Look in the phone book for a Crisis Pregnancy Center where you can get help to carry your baby to term. And, by the way, adoption is a loving option too.
Debbie Joslin
Thank you for bringing up this story in your blog; here's a link to it in case any of your readers are interested: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2008/02/22/nartist122.xml
Here's another link to a study titled "THE DETRIMENTAL EFFECTS OF ADOLESCENT ABORTION", since HB364 has been a hot issue this week: http://www.physiciansforlife.org/content/view/718/26
Thank you again for the post!
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