EFA Press Release, 04/26/2007
Those who support treating homosexual relationships the same as marriage have been calling for scientific polling as a better gauge of how Alaskans feel on the issue, but they won’t like the results. In the latest Dittman poll Alaskans once again call for the state legislature to follow the results of the recent special advisory vote and put the proposed constitutional amendment on the November, 2008 ballot. 56% responded in favor of strengthening the marriage amendment in the constitution. Only 54% of those polled believe lack of ethics is a serious problem and those who support reinstating the longevity bonus only comprise 49% of respondents to the poll. The legislature continues to move ahead on ethics reform and restoration of the longevity bonus. The results of this poll are a mandate to the lawmakers of Alaska. Alaska voters consider protecting marriage to be of the highest priority.
These encouraging results come from a recent poll by Alaska’s premier pollster, Dave Dittman between April 9 and April 18. The poll was requested by the State Senate Majority Working Group. 410 Alaskans were surveyed in households randomly selected from current registered voter lists using the same methods Dittman Research has successfully used for 37 years in Alaska.
Eagle Forum Alaska calls on the legislature to trust Alaskans with the decision on this vitally important issue. The legislature has asked the people twice now if they want the opportunity to vote on a constitutional marriage amendment. How many more times must we say YES before the legislature acts on the will of the people? Eagle Forum Alaska President, Debbie Joslin states, “To maintain the trust of the voters, our legislature must respond to the advice the have asked for and pass HJR9.”
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