EAGLE FORUM ALASKA TEMPLATE Eagle Forum Alaska: SB20 Resolution, Unborn Victims of Violence

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

SB20 Resolution, Unborn Victims of Violence

Passed unanimously at the Alaska Republican Party State Convention in Fairbanks, April 8, 2006

WHEREAS, Violent crime against pregnant women and their unborn children is on the rise in Alaska; and

WHEREAS, the Unborn Victims of Violence Act was signed into law by President Bush on April 1, 2004; and

WHEREAS, Scott Peterson was charged with the murders of both his wife, Laci Peterson, and his unborn son, Connor Peterson, under California law; and

WHEREAS, in Alaska the same crime may have been charged as one murder because Alaska law does not contemplate a violent crime against the unborn; and

WHEREAS, 30 states have passed laws to provide protection to unborn children; and

WHEREAS, when a criminal attacks a pregnant woman and injures or kills both her and her unborn child, he has claimed TWO human victims; and

WHEREAS, the Alaska state legislature has under its consideration a bill to remedy this situation; and

WHEREAS, this bill, known as the “Unborn Victims of Violence bill” (SB20), is in the House Judiciary Committee with a further referral to the House Finance Committee; and

WHEREAS, the Alaska Republican Party considers violent crime against unborn children in our state as a grievous; crime

THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Alaska Republican Party does strongly urge the passage of SB20, the “Unborn Victims of Violence Bill.”


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